"Dumb" stuff old farts used to do

Of all the "crazy" things (yea that was my nick name) I'll admit to was one of the few times I was caught. Picture your typical small prairie town 40 yrs. ago and it's a nice summer sunday morning (about 7AM), the church goers are on thier 2 cup of coffee, the birds are chirping and the gophers are frollicking and suddenly the sound of a Kawasaki 750 triple erupts into full song at 12,000 RPM screaming down main street shifts through 4 or 5 gears, past 120 MPH (that's how fast the cop said I was going when he caught up to me back at the shop) and heads out of town.8)

Almost forgot, I installed my new chromed expansion chambers the night before.

I've always been a firm believer that Sunday mornings should have some drama in them.8)

One of these. My answer to erectile dysfunction.:-D:-D:-D
