Thieves! They're everywhere!

Went to park my tow truck at the yard and go to jump in my Jeep to come home and out of force of habit I look over at my Duster and something didn't look right. Somebody stole the wiper arms and the drivers side headlight bucket off of my friggin' car! I lost it a little on the guy that the old man hired to watch the yard for obvious reasons.

Now that I'm done venting, what mopar models should I be looking for to BUY some to replace my looted ones? My Duster is a 72 model. I guess I'll hit the Year One catalog for the bucket.

Going to the yard now to move my car up closer to the front, just in case they need more parts as it is obvious it must be someone with a Duster/Valiant. There are NO Dusters in the Pick a Part yards here in San Antonio,(got buddies that work at both of them to keep me informed) NONE! but that's no excuse to go and steal someone elses stuff... :-(