Borla XR-1 exhaust install

and again mshred everyone has different computers and laptops different speakers one laptop/computer it can sound AWESOME the next it sound like total dog crap thats all i was trying to get across i mean i would love to put some sound clips up but as i said its not the best way. By any chance you dont like Borla on your car and go to a different company keep the muffler ill bet you that youll put the Borla back on for the flow. Borla has been proven to flow better than a straight peice of pipe. Your two cents has been takin as a customer and understand were you are coming from and as you said you agree with me as well. (XR-1's are going on my cuda btw) anyone else have there 2 cents? i may have a dollar by the time im done here LOL

Steve, your taking it all wrong man, i know these mufflers flow good! thats the main reason i got them! plus they sound mean! i will be running these mufflers on everything i ever own...all im saying was that even some clips might help out, thats all...i understand you dont control me like i already told you, im spreading the borla word to everyone that asks or doesnt on for life as a customer