My Dads Challenger Got Overhauled!

Alrighty well lets see.

krabysniper said
You can look it up on the web site, what it costs and who's responsible for said costs. Here is the disclaimer from the OverHaulin web site for those that have their vehicles stolen/butchered/overhauled or whatever you want to call it.

"Disclaimer: Applicant agrees to pay all federal, state, and local taxes, including income, use or sales taxes or any other governmental charges imposed on prizes, including the value of any goods or services received and cash gifts, if any, given to you or received by you by reason of your participation in the program and you release and indemnify producer from any liability therefore. You also authorize producer to deduct or withhold any such taxes or charges that require a payment prior to delivery of said prizes, cash or gifts."

So, what DID it cost?

Less than ten grand

I agree with rumblefish360, I would be arrested because I would beat, whomever was involved, to near death, if this was done to my vehicle and I also consider this a divorce worthy offense. Not because I don't like Foose's work, because my car is a reflection of ME, not Chip Foose the car artist. He may well be trying to do what "he" thinks the owner would want, but when you leave the owner out of the equation it is no longer the owners "vision".

That said, your dads car does look good, and it is another Foose artwork masterpiece. So now, how does it feel to have a car that needs to be/should be in a glass case and not driven anymore?[/quote]

Your the one that said it will 'be in a glass case and not driven anymore' i say otherwise. It WILL get driven.

One last thing, what is with the fluid under the front of the car, it can be seen in the second and third pictures? A basicly brand new car puking up fluid right away??? What up?

It had a leak, someone forgot to fully tighten something. when you put the motor in at 3am, and 'give it' to the owner its not gonna be ready to go. Give the guys a break, they work around the clock..thats not just some TV thing. The car goes to their shop for a few months to get fully 'dialed in' and ready to go anywhere.