What car would you build for Dodge to sale in 2011?

I don't ask my government for crap!!! Back in the coal mining days, unions were good to protect workers and working conditions.. Since then, unions have put us on the fast track to hell and the train is pulling into the station... You have a union job, good for you!!! Your argument is about like me saying "what's wrong with the drug cartel" thay pay me good and give me all kinda good benifits...

Your a fool. Heres why;

you would walk away from a union job op because it wont last. So what? Your non union job wont either,but at least if your terminated out of contract you wouuld recieve a severance package to tide you through to your next job. But you walked away from it...loser!

And no my arguement isnt like you balbbing about drug cartels because
Im not breaking any laws being union but you are being a drug cartel moron.