Hate to say this....

Your not alone, I had my car back to the body shop three times to try and correct their crappy work. A total of about four months......... They even stripped the car back down to bare metal and re-shot it! At least they did it at their cost. The final result is still not where I would like it to be but I GIVE UP. Bottom line is some people just don't take pride in their work. Its not bad luck its just IDIOTS you have to deal with in life. I am still frustrated with the whole ordeal but at least I know/think the color choice was good............ (See my Garage) Atlantic Blue Pearl Coat. Dodge Ram color. If you look close you can see the lines in the trunk, that is my problem with the paint job twice now. The first time it was bubbling and the paint did not bind with the primer. Anyhow, I guess I am venting a little. Reading your story got me fired up again !!! Good Luck with your project.