What is with the new DC corp?

It is a stupid comercial. Damlier ruined the jeep line in it's quest for money (they want to sell to the yuppy soccer mom crowd, not the people who used them for what they were originaly created for) as for complaining about the Dukes of Hazard or any of the other telivision shows or movies that destroy any given line of cars, LMAO, why do you think those same said cars become "Rare and collectible"? and they make entertaing shows for the knuckle draggers of the world to sit on their couches drinking beer and watching the boob tube. meanwhile those of us with any sense are running around collecting up all the parts and cars we can so that when they are rare and collectible we can turn around and own rare and collectible cars and recoup any $ we invested, 10 fold, in said purchases of parts by selling parts to others searching for those "hard to find" parts. But I still agree it is a stupid commercial because I havn't come across any of the new trucks as being capable of out pacing my Dart.