Best starter for BB Dart with tti headers.

Both of the starters I have put in are the Nippon Denso style. I guess what what I'm really asking is there a starter out there in this big wide world that is fairly heat soak tolerant. Not to put down the parts store stuff, but lets face it they are for O.E. replacement, and generally do not have the best of components in them. That's why they are cheap.

Agreed,parts store stuff is crap. The place I buy no longer carries rebuilt stuff as there are just too many returns.

New stuff only now,lol.

Truth be told if you still have those starters why not rebuild em your self?

Theres like 3 parts to replace if the wiring aint burnt out of them.

What are you using for shielding? Maybe its not good enough. I would try something called fibrefrax.Its insulation that is used to plug furnaces used in heavy industry. Comes in a big roll so the best thing to do is find a company that has some scrap.