any mopar stories ?

wow! he didnt know what he had. that is a cool boss, the guy i talked to told me if i plan on ever missing a day of work, dont bother working here. thats what killed it for me, i dont need that crap. but yea wow thats a sad story there, why the parents would ever let her drive aound in a car like that is beyond me, but that would make sense the insurance company wanted that car GONE!

One of the saddest parts was the girl had went to a local store to pick up some drinks for her dads birthday party, the drinks were laying in the back floorboard in a pool of her blood... I took pics of the tires on that car before I torched them off, the phone I had the pics on later went out on me and I lost the pics.. The lugs were so tight I guess that's why thay never put on better tire...