Gas Tank

I am just replying to the request about the gas tank.

BTW; have you owned a car that had a rusty gas tank?
I have and the car would almost stop running going up hills.

I added a second fuel filter before the fuel pump, to trap some of the rust;
I would take it off and pour the rusty gas out of, once a week.

Back 15 years ago there were no aftermarket gas tanks, and there
wasn't any NOS at the dealerships for anything older then 1968.
you guys are lucky nowadays.

Whoa wait a minute guys. There's not one thing in his original post that makes anyone believe he actually needs a new gas tank. Just saying it has vapor lock or some other problem along with an article that scared you does not mean you need a new tank by any means.

Please be more specific on this vapor lock type issue you are having.

Does your fuel gauge work fine? If it does then you don't need a new sender.

Is your gas tank leaking or dented up? If not then you don't need a new gas tank.

Has any real amount of gas sat in the tank for over a year without the car being started or driven? If it has then that may be a possible case for taking the tank out and cleaning it.