ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

about time you got back at it.

I know man. Just when I was getting fired up on her again too. My Un check I got was half $ I should have gotten. Went to the Unemployment office this morning and found out that's it unless congress releases the rest of my balance I had comming.

Think I'll start cutting up the 65 Mustang and Ebaying it off in parts. No interest by Mustang owners in a whole parts car. 1 guy wanted to cut steering knuckle/frame rail combo off of it and leave the rest of the car. I had no idea what to charge for that. You would think he would want the whole 65 Mustang for $400.00!! Jezz! At least he'll have it in smaller pieces so I can load my utility trailer for scrapping! LOL!:cheers: