Edelbrock streetmaster

i got a carb for my /6 a while ago. funny story. talked to a guy at a car show and told him that i had no carb cause i got it rebuilt and the guy f*c#$d me by doing it over cause he didnt do it right the first time and then he wanted me to pay double, $300 for a single barrel rebuild.... anyway, i go look on ebay and i get out bid on a "new" carb. it shows up on my door step a week later anyway and i get an email from the guy saying he bought it and sent it to me, and to just pass it on. i did feel a bit bad though cause if i hadnt have started bidding he would have had it for like $40 cheaper, he said not to worry.

so now if i know anyone that need something done on their car thats not too bad i do it for them, my way of passing it on.