Going to see a member

Damn, I wish one day I can retire so I can spend the day visiting hot rod shops, hanging out with friends and drinking beer. :toothy10: Just kidding with you Mike. :cheers:

I'm glad to hear that carb set-up worked out so well for you. Is that the one you got from Billy?
JOE!!!!! I bought that for Mike 2 years ago for his 50th birthday present. HOW COULD YOU FORGOT THAT!!!!!:yawinkle: Just had to give you a hard time, just kidding. He did send it to Billy to set it up for him and did a great job. I wish you could retire some day soon, (me too) but Mike deserves his retirement and I'm glad he has some good days out. He hasn't open a beer yet but we are heading to APA league night at the bar, and he'll be opening up one reallllllllllllll soon. Have a great evening. Treva