You guys see this one? [ebay]

So I had NO IDEA. from the video clip the thing looked very merry cherry! It seemed that they blasted away all the rust.

But I wondered why $75K and change is all they got for such a "nice" ride, but, if all you say is true, now I know.

I certainly would not plunk down that kind of $ on any car (new, used, rebuilt, whatever) ... but it really did sound legit. Shows how easy one can really be fooled.

On the other hand I tried to sell my '92 Spirit on ebay (it's in really very nice shape) and it only bit up to 831 buck-a-roonies. I did not want to give it away so I'm trying to sell the '75 Valiant now instead via the local paper - one of the two must go, so if I can't get something for the one, I will try the other, kinda deal. But it shows how fickle folks can be at times.

At any rate - again, not that I was about to bid on it - thanks for the heads up!