Odd Comment in Mopar Action..

Ok,I have heard enough about who can piss the longest distance and how much,great.Bottom line is this,I have both types of bearings on a few of my cars,the 65 chrysler 4500lbs, plus all the beer in trunk and beating the piss out of it and doing 100MPH runs and not a niose or hum.Now can either fail if the conditions are right,for sure,but how many of us are doing slomon racing 24/7,or a nother type of racing to get to the piont of a failure under extreme conditions..The piont of this is if you own a car/truck that you change/modify a part,you check it for wear every week to see if the part is up to par.Me I do some thing every year when I take the cars out,I do a complete inspection,take the jack and check the axles and bearing for any abnormal play up and down and side ways.Its not rocket science,we all have jacks and tools and we are not doing 40,000miles a year on our rides.You can hear a bearing starting to go in a turn,or in a striaght line,if its going with the speed of the car.A good 90-95% of us never even get to the piont of a failure like this IF you check things twice a year on your rides,at the begining and half way through the season.Boys and girls,we need to keep our minds open and deal with reality and try not to listen so much to some of these rags people as they really think they are the mopar gods and every word is the gosspel truth,when most of them are cashing a cheque from a big company pushing other products,probably bearing,mrmopartech