Road Trip

What's your plans while in memphis? I'm on the road between Memphis and Branson so we've got to hook up. I can even meet ya in Memphis and show ya some blues music and do some BBQ. I'll PM ya my cell # and you call when ya need to. What will be your mode of travel? Rental car? Let me know and as i need to see Leanna anyway maybe we can take a slight detour her way. What the hell. Ya gotta meet the infamous MeMike. Let's make a trip out of it. The drags in our neck of the woods happens on saturday nights. There may be something going on at Memphis Motorsports park the saturday night your in Memphis. Mike would know about that. Let me know where you'll be staying. How will we recognise ya? Do ya look anything like Crocadile Dundee? Just gotta laugh.
Small Block

Hi Small Block
This is a self drive guided tour, so hire car is mode of transport. No tours are booked so the wife & I have the freedom to do basicly what we want.
Local knoweldge of Beale St would be fantastic like to have some BBQ.
I will organise a cell soon & let you know.
Do not look like Mick Dundee but the wife wishes I was George Clooney.