bead blast sand substitute

Heck yea Matt.. I like helping fellow Mopar folks. Most the time I actually know what I am talking about.. :) I think for general / fairly rugged blasting the only thing to be concerned with-in the sand is that it is free of impurities such as oils or waxes or tree limbs and that it is fairly uniform in size so that you aren't getting small rocks or debris that would either cause damage to the item you are blasting or clog your sand blaster.. Clogged blasters are annoying, back when I was a kid, I had a siphon feed and I had crappy free sand from a river, so it all had to be sifted thru a screen prior to use and that was arduous hell..

BTW I was just at Harbor Freight and they have an 11 or 13 horse power gasoline air compressor for 995. It looks like a total haaus and I bet it would keep up really well with high demand blasting. I wish I would have bought that instead of building mine which is ultimately the same design for almost as much money but hand built from separately sourced parts. Mine is about 75 percent American made parts though so thats a good thing I suppose.

Good luck blasting! Maybe you can post some pictures on here of your blasted undercarriage and drop me a line as I would like to check it out! I friggin love a clean bare undercarrage.. uhh.. on a car was what I meant there..

I am starting the undercarriage sand blasting very soon on my Duster. I previously rented a diesel steam cleaner to remove the ultra thick undercoat and gunk prior to media blasting it. Took me about 6 or 7 hours. Thats when I used to live in town. Some of the Berkley local tree huggers got mad about me steam cleaning on my car in my garage and called the police, who subsequently came by and told me I was not too out of line as long as I was catching the debris before it made it to the street . I moved to the hills in short order to enjoy my loud exhaust, auto shop, and shooting guns.
