bead blast sand substitute

i dont think i will do the under coating, just the wheel wells and the motor area, my and my buddy have been talkng about building a rotator to bead blast his '68 Firebird and my Dart. we will see, i rent and he has a small garage. so building it is cool and all, but really no where to "store" it.

Rice Nucker, i will for sure post some pics, i will probably start on getting it cleaned up next weekend. (money premitting, still need some small tools, etc.) great chatting with you. BTW my old man live in modesto, about an hour to an hour 1/2 south of you. maybe when i'm in town i can swing by and see your car. headed to vegas in march to check out Mopars at the Strip, should check it out online.

well off to bed. later