bead blast sand substitute

So, is it the consensus that these steps/equipment are good enough safety precautions for outdoor blasting? Silicosis scares the crap outta me.

I have not heard anyone recommend a particular type of respirator. I did a little google search on silica inhalation during sand blasting. So far I can only tell that it is completely inert and can cause irritation in the lungs as it will never dissolve which "may" lead to cancer.

I picked up one of these.

Claims to block 95 % airborne particulates. Whats it take to block 100% a water chamber respirator with a 5 gallon bucket multi-layered filter?

Anyone who ever stood in the desert in a little wind storm, or in the mid west during a dry farming day has inhaled a considerable amount of air borne particulates of many sizes, from microscopic to normal size grains of sand. Ever stand on the beach in a wind storm? Its like being sand blasted half to death. This makes me think that the body can tolerate a mild amount of sand and inert debris in the lungs.
I never hear of farmers getting lung cancer from inhaling dust, and I bet most of those good old boys on open cab tractors discing the fields have breathed a ton of silica, organic matter, and atomized cow shi%.

Good point, no one has chimed in regarding the best recommendation based on prevention of inhaling the silica.