FABO Mentor Program ... Another Young Guns Idea from The CudaChick

Don't get me wrong at all, I think it is a great idea! I am willing to mentor a young gun! I do want to see the experienced guys provide a personal helping hand to see the hobby continue. What I am trying to say is that instead of trying to create a way for them to post that may move it to where many of us old timers may not look (new thread categories, etc.) I am suggesting that they label their posts with a YG ( or whatever) to let all of us know it's from a Young Gun. I may not need or have time to look at a post about, for example, radiators. But, if I saw a label that said it was from a young gun, I'd be more inclined to take a moment and look, as I may have advice to offer or the part needed, etc. With both (1) a mentor to help encourage and even provide hands on "better be wearing a shirt that your mom won't kill you for getting it greasy" time along with (2) the whole FABO family providing a plethora of advice, debate, parts, and additional understanding and patience that will benefit the young gun even more.