My son is gone again

Creed came by last night to give us hugs and say good bye
I cooked him a steak and then off he went
He took off at 3 am this moning headed to Japan to play some music for the USAF and will be hitting a couple islands there.
In a rush this morning in the dark he said he failed to load his clothing bag :angry7:
I just got off the phone with him and he is on the plain in Huston Texas.
This is there second tour out of the country 8) Yall remember his Europe tour a couple months ago
When I was one the phone with him I herd everyone holler hello and one of them said to say hello to our fans here at FABO :cheers: I think it was Zach Williams the lead singer :happy10:
Well here he goes again
To see the world and do what most folks dream of :happy10:
I know! I know!!! he will be just fine and safe and will be back before I know it like DRENO said last night in a deferent thread, But it is still hard not to worry about them with all that flying and traveling that they are doing.
Yall have been so supportive here and it sure felt good when I herd Zach holler on the plain quote= Tell our fabo supporters we said hello Mike:cheers:
I will find more info on there tour dates and times and keep this thread updated :happy10:
A prayer for a safe return :clock::clock:

I bet if Wilde1 was there he would have made sure Creed got his clothing bag in the van :happy10:

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