Passed By My Own Tire

an honest mistake that should never have happened. there should be some kind of procedure that has to be checked off on. this tech must have been in a rush and never tightened the wheel.. there is no excuse for that.

Just to be on the safe side, I had a bumper sticker made for my tool box that read "Torque wheel bolts."

It was the first thing I saw out of the windshiled of the car as I was driving off of my lift.
The idea became so popular that the service manager made it mandatory that every tech install one on his toolbox or workbench directly in front of his vision, then they had a big banner as you left each large bay door that read the same thing.
You would be suprized how many guys would back off of their lift or out of the shop, stab the brakes, run out of the car yelling 'Dammit" and would go snag a torque wrench.