Sand-blasting cabinets?

I mounted an old self inflating air mattress motor to the back of the hopper.It should provide plenty of suction for dust removal. However I dont want it sucking the grit into itself and then spitting it outside,so a 318 2bbl air filter will surround it but I need to double stack them. I'll hold it down with a 318 2 bbl air housing lid!

Then I cut another hole in the hopper and siliconed an old bathroom light fixture into it.The idea is to provide a sealed light that can take a bit of a whack so I'll build a small steel cage around it.

I mounted the lid with a piano hinge.It's the only way to go really.It added a lot of strength to the structure.

It has legs and wheels now too! Cant really see em but the wheels are a plastic set I have had forever but thier a bit sturdier than the usual plastic crap. I ended up bracing and gusseting the legs.

I had a small piece of plywood kicking around that made a perfect shelf for blasting small stuff! Couple passes with the belt sander and it fit perfect!

I need to wire up the light,drill a couple more small holes for sand/air lines and make some sleeves/gloves.I figure I'll wander down to the sally ann and buy an old jacket with heavy sleeves,sew on some work gloves and viola!

Another good idea I had is to use some corner bead around the edges of the lid as it's kind of rough.