Vinyl dye?

its prolly been asked but i just want to know and cudnt find anything. a buddy of mine will hopefully goin to look at (and i pray purchase) a 73 duster. if he does, this means one more young gun member here, by the way.

Anyway, its a light blue duter with the dark blue vinyl interior. he doesnt care for the blue, and i dont blame him. i told him there is vinyl dye so he can make it black, and that got him encouraged. This guy is like my bro, so its would be aweosme to make him a real mopar guy, and what better start than a good ol' duster?

my question is, has anyone used vinyl interior dye on thier cars? where do you suggest he buy the dye? how much does he need? whats the best brand with the best price? any websites?

also, could someone give me a start-to-finish run down of how to get the dye job done? how long would it take to do front and rear bench seats, dash, door panels, ect? couple days? hours?

Thanks in advance, FABO!