My son is gone again

That sounds like a good way to spend the afternoon. I'll be fitting the fender on my wife's car and having a few cold ones too :toothy10:
Well I got that dun, know I can run my automatic trunk release
wire to my clove box I guess Rob. :happy10:

Now he will have some cool shirts from Japan and Guam.

If you start to worry just take a moment to ponder what a great dream he is living, and you and Treva gave him the tools to do it.
I did not think about the cool T-shirts he might pick up, He call night before last and said he woke up and looked out the window and all he seen was ocean =P~

My little one hasn't left home yet (which is a good thing since she's only 9 :)), but from what my parents have said, it gets a little easier everytime, but it's never easy to see em go.. that's what makes you a great parent..

Thank you Grant :happy10: I remember when my two sons was that age, I must say time sure flies by after 9 :-D
They are 15 hours ahead of our time, Creed called at 3;30 am and it was about 6pm there 8) We have not herd from them again yet, But they said they will be locked down to the base until they are dun at that location then the same in Japan, But they will have a 14 to 15 hours of sight seeing after they get dun playing :cheers: