Borla XR-1 exhaust install

I saw the pro xs mufflers, but i went after the xr-1's for the race sound since i wanted loud and raunchy, and thats what i got! cant wait till guys ask me what mufflers i have on my car...everyone at every show says "flowmaster"...well not this car lol

yea, when i first saw the prices i was a little shocked myself...but ive had both the dynomax ultra flow stainless steel mufflers and these borlas in my hand, and i have to say the difference is in the quality...the craftsmanship on the Borlas is flawless, so its no wonder they offer a million mile warranty

Yes you're right Flowmaster is associated with loudness or should I say noise pollution :-D it's just that I don't like it loud. Didn't hear the xr-1 Yet. I'm saving for Borla I become speechless everytime I look at those.