Project: "Daddy's Cool Cool Green Green Car" Build

Do you plan on any sand blasting ? how is it under the car,any isues there.keep posting this will be interesting to see it in the end.Your also luckly to have a wife thats ok with your build,keep telling her it keeps me out of the bars.

I'm going to rent a blaster (looking into soda), and take care of all the engine bay and frame stuff....I'm not going to blast any of the body panels for fear of warping, the car is really straight and bondo free.

The frame is pretty good, but I found a thin spot on the left rear frame rail....The right floor has a few small holes, but not near the frame.

As far as the wife, she's great but we now have a new baby girl and a lot more of my time is needed to maintain what little sanity is left with 3 kids in the house!....My time in the garage is now limited to after the two little ones are sleeping!