Making my hemi scoop functional.

Great to hear. I cant imagine getting all that cool air in there not making a difference. Very nice work fabbing it up too- it looks real clean

Thanks, it was fun.

Here are the braces I was talkng about, they keep the front of the baseplate from flexing downward when the hood smashes the foam down.

I know they look kinda hokey but they do the job.

They are not even bolted to the baseplate, just held on by the bottom bolt at the head.
The force of the hood keeps it pinned down against the baseplate, and I had no rattle noises on the test drive.

The brackets have a 90 degree bend at the top.

Let me know what y'all think about these brackets if they look stupid or not.

I don't think they look too bad and I'm more concerned about funtionality than stellar looks, although I think this whole set up gives it a sortof a nascar look. Insert tobacco spitting sound.

I'm thinking if I decide to keep those front brackets where they are I am going to drill holes in those areas where they meet the baseplate and affix some nice wingnuts there for easy removal.