8 3/4 A Body Just picked up

OK Guys - thanks for all the replies. Here's why all the questions.
1-I picked up the rear, drum to drum, with springs attached. From a fellow ABO member - Great guy - good people - will totally stay in touch with him.
2-I paid $800 for it
3-I drove from my home to Decatur, Indiana to pick it up. Although I had something to do in Pittsburgh the trip from Pitt to Decatur and back was a tank and a half -w/diesel being $3+/gal and my tank holding 35 gal I put the trip at costing me another $150. So I look at the rear costing me almost $1k all said.
4-When I got home and did the quick pull down I wasn't expecting to see the posi all scoured as it was. So this set my spider senses tingling.

I'm sure you all would feel the same.

So, my thoughts now - based on your replies and a bit of research I've done - are much better.

I've looked on e-bay and found folks asking big money for: bare 741 cases, 741 ring and pinions, just the posi case and way more for the housings than I thought they could be worth, and I've seen some prices on drum to drum 741 rears that made me cringe.

So, the summary is: I'll re-bearing the chunk, locate some BBP axles - decide whether or not to "go-green" and put up the stock SBP axles, brake plates and drums up for sale in hopes that someone could use for a restoration that wants to maintain the original SBP front and rear. If I'm fortunate enough to sell them this will help off-set the cost of the BBP axles. I might even find someone willing to trade.

So - all is well. Thanks for your replies.