My son is gone again

I played their cd at a party i went to last night and was thinking how cool it was that in japan it was the 4th already and their music was playing on both sides of the world.

They will be so proud to hear this daredevil :cheers:
Creed said a high ranking officer gave them some kind of coin :-D
He said it's a pretty big deal to get one and don't give many out.
One was gave to a civilian that saved a life of a Marine in Iraq, the officer that gave them this coin said thank you for taking care of our troops here at the island and they was one of the first bands that took the time to stay with the troops and it made there day hanging out with the band 8)
Creed said they made them feel like they was the coolest thing since CCR and they was one of very few bands that hung out with the troops all day and made there rounds with them :crybaby: time for a blue pill I guess, I am so proud of the whole band :happy10::wav: