Original owner of my 69 Dart writes me back an email

I thought this was really cool and wanted to share this with you folks.
Hi Bill,

I'm still in semi-shock and awe at seeing my original 1969 Dodge Dart Swinger 340 this evening with you at the Pony Coral on Grant Avenue. Thanks for the attached pictures. I've wanted to see her again since 1978. That's 32 years of looking and hoping! It's like being reunited with a long lost child or your first love. What can I say? It was like I saw her for the first time, as I did after I bought her brand new in 1969. She was custom ordered into winnipeg and I had to wait for 7 weeks for her to arrive. I first saw her beside the freight elevator on the third floor of the old Century Motors showroom building on Main Street (just south of Portage Avenue). The stories that car that car could tell! The excitement and the adventures! Both legal and illegal! My memories of her are incredible and are too much to put into words. You've kept her like new for all these years. Actually, all three of us owners have now babied and protected her for her entire life. I owned and looked after her for her first 9 years of life, then the Winkler owner had her for about 2 years and then you have owned her the longest time which has been about 30 years. That's unbelievable! I can't believe she has had another life without me. It doesn't seem possible and it seems like cheating. Thanks for looking after her so well and taking care of her. She is still in showroom condition and looks like brand new right out of the showroom. She continues to be super-spoiled as she was when she was mine. Nothing else will do or is acceptable. I will let this all sink in and will call you later in the summer. If you ever want to sell her, please let me know. Later on, I'd love to go for a ride with you in her. It would bring back many memories. Take care of yourself and my baby. She, or I, wouldn't have it any other way. Be sure to keep in touch.
