Original owner of my 69 Dart writes me back an email

That's cool, when I bought my Dart in 93, I researched the original owners name at the library (phone books, before I had internet) and found an address, then about 4 years ago I get a call from the original owner, wish I would have taken notes, heard some interesting stories and found out out how it got from Utah to Sioux Falls, SD. Should write down the stories before I forget them completely. When I took it to the first car show I had owned it less than a week and this guy comes running, jumps the rope around the car show area and says "that's my car, that's my car" I'm thinking wtf. He starts telling where he bought it and that he had it in downtown Sioux Falls with the top down and he came out of a store to find a lit cigarette in the backseat, later while cleaning I found a cigarette burn between the bottom and back of the seat. Wish I would have got his name. I have had contact with 3 of the 4 (that I have found) owners of this car.