727 Overdrive

GV doesn't have as good of OD ratio. wish they would give it more.... does anyone really split gears with it? the guys i know that run them say its too hard to split gears at the track with them...

With a manual it's a little tricky, with the auto it's just a push of the button when in 2nd..

I have 3 GV's owned all of them for well over 10 years, the best product i think i ever used.... was so good i started selling them and installing them..

The manual trans in racing apps, you gotta pull the switch as the switch is engaged you then quickly depress the clutch just enough to slip it and back off the pedal....
You can practice this going thru the gears on the street...
The auto can deal with engaging under power do to the tc absorbing some of the shock..
With the stick it feels like you crashed a gear, and it is the only thing that'll make issues for the GV...

Once you get the hang of it you/ll never hear the shift, in my truck you'll think i got a very quick auto, when towing i can go thru 7 speeds and you'll never notice it was a stick.

However keep in mind there are a lot of steering wheel operators out there, not many drivers
