What stupid things have you done?

Well... Here is my stupid move of the day!

I have two buckets seats I planed on putting in my Duster.
I had them sitting in back of the car. I moved one, and I was distracted by my kids and forgot the other one. So I just got my car tuned pretty well, so I decided to go for a drive. I saw the one seat was moved so I thought at the time, I must have moved both of them. I started the car, went in reverse and I heard a noise, and the tires began to spin. I was like?? WTF? I look under the car, and here I ran over the bucket seat, and it was all bent up, so was the gas tank. Needless to say, about a mile down the road I ran out of gas because... of course the seat put a hole in my gas tank!
Now, I'm out a bucket seat, and a $140.00 for a gas tank! Piss me off! It's day like today, I don't know why I bother!