Flo from Progressive ins. who thinks?

Some of the comments made in this thread justify their owners being banned from the site. Yeah, I'm an old man but I come for the cars and the community. This is becoming more like some of the snowmobile sites I have posted to. Too many kids with too much testosterone. I like to watch the chick in question but then again I like to watch most chicks and Yeah, I am married to wife #1 for the last 44 years. Mods, don't let some of these posts stand and you know which ones I am talking about!
Just my $00.02 worth.
The DesertRat!~

Well said, Rat!

I'm getting sick of some of the language used by some members. It's getting to the point that I don't even want to be here at times. Arguing about which muffler is better, or which part is the best. C'mon, use some dignity. Why would you use the term "fagnaflow" anyway? A little homophobic are ya? Putting down a particular Mopar part, just because you think it's not up to snuff? It's certainly served many people well, but you get upset to find it in your precious little vehicle? Heaven help you, you must be so special.

But to the thread at hand, I think that Flo is kinda hot. But then, I like the Pin-up girl look.