What clutch fork with Lakewood scatter shield?

my opinion on quicktime, stay the hell away....Ross who runs the company is a shifty guy imo

I have one of their bellhousings and am using a z-bar still....had massive problems with the bell and ball stud bracket on the bell flexing like crazy when the clutch pedal was pushed down...was told i was the only one with this problem...well i look a little deeper and guys on here are having the exact same problems with their quicktime 4 speed bells (and im using a wimpy diaphram style clutch! imagine what a heavier pedal would do for flexing)

I ended up having to make my own bracket after alot of trial and error, time and frustration...oh, and Ross still refuses to acknowledge this problem, even after more than one person has approached him about it

So what they are lighter...if the lakewoods were that bad in fitment and safety, im sure they wouldnt get an sfi sticker on them...next bell i buy will be lakewood no doubt, or maybe ill stay with the quicktime since ive already engineered a mammoth of a bracket to work with their pattern

my two cents....good luck either way