Survivor 1972 Dodge D100 found.....

I happen to have found the "time" to work on this truck due to the fact that I am currently on 2 weeks of leave, (vacation) from the Army. I have used virtually all my time working around the house/yard and on the vehicles we have, none of which I mind in the least.
These three pictures are of the drivers door after I wiped it down and then polished it out, just like the exterior. I then exchanges the ugly white steel bed box that was on it for a diamond plate box I was useing on my utility trailer. I also added headlight "eyebrows" to the truck which I found through JC Whitney, kinda giving it a "retro" look. We've had two days of rain here but it finally stopped this evening and as it was getting dark, I went outside and polished out the hood of the truck as it was getting dark, but at least the hood was cool to the touch so it made the work easier. I'll try and post a picture of it later on. I still want to get the stainless window visors mounted this weekend as well.
I also plan to reseal around the top of the winshield as I found it leaks pretty badly from the past two days rains. I picked up two door sill plates that I'll polish out and install over the weekend as well. This week I want to go back to the pick-and-pull and get a tailpipe with chrome tip I found previously. Hopefully it wont already be gone.


