stuttering cat

A teacher was giving a little science lecture to her class of youngsters one day and concluded by telling them that "therefore only people can stutter."

Little Mary, sitting towards the back of the class, raised her hand and told the teacher, "no, Mrs. My cat stuttered, too."

The teacher was taken aback somewhat. Little Mary was usually quiet and level headed and somewhat shy, but here she was willing to argue a point!

The teacher said, "No, Mary, I'm sorry, but that's not true. Only people stutter."

Mary replied, "No, Mrs, I heard my cat stutter."

This time the teacher decided to try for an explanation. "Well, then, Mary, care to explain how?"

"Well, Mrs., I was in the backyard with my cat when the neighbors Rottweiler jumped over the fence. It was a very scary moment."

The teacher was a little confused by this statement.

"I can see how that was scary, Mary, but it really doesn't explain how your cat stuttered," she prompted.

"It was a really scary moment, Mrs." Mary said.

"And how did that make your cat stutter, Mary?" the teacher asked a little frustrated.

"Well, my cat went 'FFT, FFFT, FFFT, and before he could say 'F**K!' the dog ate him!"