"Charlie" has Overheating probs- Here are my Clues and please chime in with opinions!

. . .thinking of separating the engine block from the radiator and isolating it so I can pour something like varsol or even diesel (Kerosene perhaps?) into the core of the engine. That stuff I got out was like black carbon and obviously had no water percolate into it in spite of running it regularly for over 8 months. Let it set, flush it out and see what gets dissolved into the fluid. . .what does long dried antifreeze turn into?

. . .another thing that is on my mind is, it ran cool for the 8 months from 1 Oct. '09 to May '10, racking up some long highway runs and in some weather that was into the nineties. . . then, suddenly, it won't cool. I can't see a thing inside my radiator, it looks clean- but the tubes are so darned narrow that I can't shine light down them to see if a big batch of rust was just vomited into the tubes and partially blocked them. Anybody know how I could shine light through them, rod them, test them with high pressure water or air to see if they caught a big dose of crap? It is an all aluminum radiator too- which makes taking it apart tougher.

Unable to work on it right now, but will get back to it this Sunday hopefully.
