Dynamic converters dont work all the time

Don't take this personal, it isn't meant to be.

In my expierence, parts for race cars are generally without warranty, because the manufacturer of said parts is inteligent enough to realize you are going to go out and abuse the stuff (racing is abusive), and they are not interested in being the one to support your parts breaking habit.

If your name is a reflection of the engine you have, then I would assume you are producing some serious hp, and I do believe a 1.47 60' is actually pretty damned respectable, even if it isn't in par with what you have accomplished before.You made the statement that you wanted the stall speed changed, if someone sent me a part back and said "Hey this stuff don't work, I made only four passes, and BTW I want some [x] parameter of said item changed" for a part that is for racing, I would be inclined to agree with them, it's your problem not theirs.

I don't know your exact specs and all, and have no interest in searching your posts to find out, but as stated, a car the size and nature of yours doing wheelstands is impressive (although in my opinion wheels up is not the winning way) and very abusive to parts, especially transmission stuff, so to complain that their part dont hold up with the abuse it IS getting, is rather, well for a lack of better terms, immature on your part.

That said, I do understand frustration with parts, and I have not heard rave reviews of Dynamic in general. If you have done buisness with them for ten years and this is the first time you have run into trouble with their stuff, maybe something you did or did not do is the culprit or maybe you just happened to get unlucky this one time, either way I wouldn't start by bad mouthing them. I would try contacting them again and making your case to someone higher up, I have found requesting the top guy or CEO of a company is a good way to start, ask for that persons name first (the ceo or whoever owns it) in any conversation you start with any person who answers and say you would like to speak to that person because you have an issue. Even if you cannot be connected with that person right away or they are unavailable at that time, it gets it into the head of whoever your talking to that you are going to let the top guy know that everyone below the CEO/top dog is costing his company money, and their attitudes may improve and become a little more helpful and more interested to make things right with you, esspecially long term customers like yourself, because they realize $h!t rolls downhill and they wont want it rolling onto them because they pissed off a good customer.

Just my opinion and .02.