Happy Birthday MeMike....



Thank you my Hawaiian friend, The wind chimes are here next to my back door, inside on this rainy windy day. Thank you brother :happy10:

Happy Birthday Mike!
Thank you gts :-D it was :-D

Happy Birthday MeMike!!! Cheers!:drinkers:
enjoyed a few alone looking at old pictures of my self and family, I posted up :-D Thank you BigRichieO :happy10:

Happy Birthday Mike!!! :cheers: You must be going crazy with the internet down at your place, I hope you can drink your way out of it :toothy10:

Have a great one!!
It was a new experience for sure Rob, But as you can see we made the best of it :-D Thank you Rob :cheers:

Happy BDay Mike, from one of your Canadian buddies.
There another Canadian birthday wish :cheers: Thank you 65Vart :happy10:

Have a great birthday Memike! Since you are Internetless, it's a good reason to spend the day with your "other" family lol.. I'm sure they'll treat you as king for the day.

The day's away from here was OK, But it sure is good to be back, Thank you, you know you are OneOfMany to jump in and wish me well :toothy10: Thank you bud :happy10:

Happy Birthday, my friend :cheers:

Hope you are enjoying your special day on The Hill.

Spending some quality time with Buddy, out in the fresh air.

I have 4+ hrs to go before I can raise one up in your honour, but it'll be a good one. =P~

All the best from the far corner of the continent.
We had a great day here comoxian :happy10: I just wish I was here at the time, but we can't have our cake and eat it to sometimes :-D Thank you bud :cheers:

Happy birthday, MeMike! And many more!!!:cheers:
Thank you Gofish :happy10: I hope so to :happy10: I bet I will be here a bit longer to bend some ears here :-D