Plastic Hood Scoop to Metal Hood?

The guy isn't building a hi-tech 2010 machine here..

Oh really? For your information I'm planning on using my brand new 2010 roll of duct tape to attach the scoop.

I actually want to do an accurate representation of what a late 60's early 70's muscle car would be- bought new and brought home where the first thing to go on is the Cragars and it goes from there. This would also be what I would do if I could have bought it new.

The one thing I am undecided on is the paint. When I strip it eventually I'll be able to tell if it ever had a whacky paint job or not.

Does anyone remember those paint jobs where they would tape off the upper and lower 2 inches or so of the side of the car, then spray the car with another color only along the tape and down the middle of the front and rear door gaps?

I remember seeing it on the 'top end' cars way back, but I cannot find any pics.