flat tappet vs roller

Did not want to hijack http://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopar/showthread.php?t=107141. But I have been on the phone with several Hemi builders. Pretty much everyone agrees that with todays oil flat tappet cams are not an ideal choice. Builder #1 has told me that he stays away from flat tappet cams unless it is for a resoration. Has told me that he will do his best to push me towards a roller, a mechanical one. Said that if a hydraulic one is used in a Hemi that the tappet length will cause vavle train geometry issues. And with the failure rate of flat tappet cams, and the carnage that can occur when one does go flat, it is just too risky to use a flat tappet cam.
Builder #2 said that they will steer me towards a flat tappet cam. Explaination was that spring pressure for a roller will cause problems in a street car. Also told me that it takes very little valve float to start problems with the roller tappets. Example given was motor gets revved to float (accidently) while doing a burn out. He said that when float occurs it is possible to create flat spots on the tappets wheel, setting up harmonic issues which will lead to failure. Opinons? I will be using a roller.....

what I like here.. is that both builders have valid points/reasoning, though some is based in 'fear of' or 'what if'

now lets see if some turdcutter comes on here and says he's offended over these builders 'opinions'.lol