BP oil spill?

Let me give ya my take on the matter and you tell me how you feel it really is. I worked in Alaska on the North Slope for 13 yrs. Had a lot of dealings with the process of oil in those years. My alternate and i were contract reps for Veco Int. on the BP maint contract. We would do shut downs on their gathering center facilities and many other day to day issues that would arrise. During the winter months we would oversee 150 personell and in summer peak time that would rise to 450 personell. I'm no stranger ti oil issues so let me clue you in.
We've got a spill in the gulf. No denying that. We have a pipe coming out of the bottom of the ocean a mile down. We see it every day and we see robots performing work on a very precise basis. We have a pipe protruding out of the ocean floor about the diameter of a dinner plate. Tell me this. Well drilling, whether it be water or oil, takes a pipe to flow the substance. So we take a section of pipe and shove it downward toward the leaking pipe. When you come to the end of that section you weld on another section. Continueing on with that process you eventually reach trhe destination which is the pipe coming out of the ocean floor and place the pipe over the leaking pipe. Where does the oil then go? Straight up. Whats on the surface? A tanker ready to take on the surfacing oil. The subsurface robots can manipulate the pipe over the oil gurging one thus sending the oil to the surface to be placed in a tanker. Further more, my brother is a pilot who flys for the forestry department in times of wildfires but now is contracted to fly on the oil effort merely useing his plane as a relay unit to patch radio signal to the shore. Get a load of this. BP dont want them there. The Coast guard dont want them there. The forestry dept does want them there. I guess on BP's behalf i can say it tougher to bullshit folks when there's lot of eyes watching. We send rockets to the moon and we cant stop a leak on our own planet? Give me a break. Dont pee down my neck and tell me it's raining.
Small Block