Car cover question

Be careful. A car cover can do more harm than good. If a car is properly cared for living outside without a cover is better than with a cover. Any dirt, no matter how fine can act like sandpaper under a car cover. Any movement of the cover will leave scuff marks in the paint. Moisture trapped between the cover and the car will cause paint to lift and the car to rust much, much, faster than without a cover. Even with a waterproof cover, dampness and humidity will collect under the cover and that condensation will be trapped like a sauna and the car will suffer. A dust cover for inside a garage is OK for storage with proper preparation. The car bust be completely cleaned and claybarred before wax and then put the clean cover on immediately. Well maintained waxed and washed cars live long lives outside without any car cover. Good luck.
I agree, but i still use one but i also use a blue plastic tarp on top of car cover to keep it clean, i live in a humid, dusty inviroment and use it to keep the humidity salt air off the car, i quit using the cover on my camaro cuz of the fine scratches and PITA to deal with cuz the wind will blow them off and after a year they age and begin to tear, i say they work best in a garage kept car, trust me they will aggravate the crap out of you and you better have help taking it off and on cuz they will slide off while trying to cover or uncover, im trying to paint and seal the underside of my Dart so i dont have to rely on a cover any more