steering box/steering shaft alignment issue

OK got my Flaming River coupler installed and have an issue.

The steering shaft and steering box input didn't line up straight. The steering shaft was actually about 3/8 inch low. Unbolted the three bolts inside the firewall and couldn't move anything.

So...with a LOT of effort got it all drilled and hooked up. Now my steering is way too tight. I'm sure the lower column bushing is causing a binding.

My car didn't come with any lower bushing and I installed one for added support. So now, should I just ditch the bushing? or, Is the power steering box bolted in the frame that would allow a little "wiggle" room for angling the input shaft upward a bit?

I'm surprised that after loosening the 3 firewall bolts, that lower column half wouldn't budge. If it would come up a bit, I think everything would be just fine.

Any suggestions , as usual, are greatly appreciated!