Por 15 vs. KBS Rust Seal

I have used KBS "Blacktop" straight out of the can, on my vintage 750/4 frame. Prepped the frame, no rust etc, made sure it was clean and grease free. Just used a paint brush. The paint levels out nice and is very gloss. Unfortunately I got too excited and used too thick a paint on the brush and had runs. But i'll put up with a few drops here and there. Has a powder coat like appearance and feel. Suppose to be UV safe (it is Ozzy :)) but havent tested as Im still building the bike. Seems a tough coating. Never tried Por15 to compare.
Next frame I will thin it a little with their thinner, but still brush it, tho spraying may work better. Still got plenty left over from 1 ltr can and used clingwrap to cover b4 lid on.
Give it a go.