Any interest...?

Wow, this sure looks like a fun build. I always liked the looks of the M bodies and I'm sure this build is gonna be super cool. All that talk about Dark Spice is making me hungry!!! Keep up the good work there Robert, and thanks for keeping us all updated!!! Geof

With the history of this car and the family, Geof, it is turning into a fun build. If I could find the time to hit it and hit hard. I was hoping to have it in paint by the end of summer. Looks like that might get pushed back into fall, now, but that's the life of building a car.

It's been in family for 19 years now, it's not going anywhere. I little while longer won't hurt.

I hope to have the hood in prime before my surgery coming up at the end of the month. That's the biggest piece of fab work I'm doing. Then it should see the rotisserie.