Whohere lives in Wa state ?

I am in Lynnwood Wa, Just north of Seattle. What kind of avaiation job are you looking at small FBO or Boeing? I worked at Boeing and McDonnell Douglas when they were still around, in Long Beach Ca. Personally, i wouldnt go back, too unstable. We are pretty laid back, and like our coffee.
Lots of rain in the winter if you can deal with grey 70% of the time, its not "always raining" like the tourists say it does. June has always been a rainy month and summer doesnt start till the 5th of July.
My last job was with signature flight support, got laid off, i dont have an A&P yet but did some maintanance, worked as a aircraft servicer for L3. who do you work for? i know our fbo was pretty laid back at times too, military kept us the most busy with fueling, we handled charters and comercial a/c fueling and of course G.A. handling your company hiring?