You gotta love peoples "car knowledge"

The only people that get on my nerves are the moron's behind most of the parts counters...

I needed valve cover gaskets for my Scamp, and the dealership was closest, so that's where I started. You know, the Chrysler dealer. Where the people who know Mopars work.

"I need valve cover gaskets for a 318"
"What's it in?"
"A '73 Scamp, but your computer won't go back that far, so gimme a set for whatever 318 you can look up."
" computer doesn't go back that far..."
"I know. How about a set for something newer?!?"
"Wait... (he grabs book from under counter)....oh this doesn't go back that far either..."
"Never mind."
I went across town to Canadian Tire where a guy I know (who used to work at an actual parts store) works. He didn't even have to look them up.

btw, as far as the 3/4 cam goes- the sheet of paper listing the mods that came with my Duster showed a '3/4 radiator'. At least that was easy to decipher, in that "3/4" sounds a lot like "3 core":-D